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Archive for January, 2013

Nike Air max 1 premium

New Nike Air max 1 premium is available now. we only have sz 11 and 12 women, that means sz 10 and 11 guys.nike air max 1 red

NIKE Footscape Chuka Woven Knit

we just received Nike Footscape Chuka Woven knit. we have sz 8 to 12 available now. chuka woven knitchuka woven knit 2


Now WORD is VANS California Stockist, and we gladly introduce two kinds new Vans CA spring 2013. There are Brushed twill era and Pig suede era. Stay tuned more upcoming style of Vans California line. vans-brushed-twill-era-ca-01-630x419Vans-California-Suede-Pack

New NIKE Air Force 1 Duck Boot and Fab Five Air Force Max

We Just receive two great nike shoes which are air force duck boot and charles barkley air force max. come and get your pair before selling out. duckbootfab five

WORD | 1 Bellis Fair Parkway #602 Bellingham, WA 98226 | 360-734-5137 | thewordwa@gmail.com